All Life Living Intentional

It’s time for a Selfie Check-In!

We are now in the middle of August 2020 and I think it’s a great time to have a Selfie Check-In!

I don’t know about you, but my plan for 2020 looked a lot different than what has presented itself. Nonetheless, I had to adjust quite a few things and take many breaks to stay sane over here.

Physical Check-In

Our body is our “home” and we must take care of it. I am guilty of not treating my body like the temple it is by eating badly and not keeping it active. If you don’t use it, you lose it.

Here, we must check in with what we want for ourselves and see if we on track for what we want. Dive into how you want to feel and how you prefer your body to look and perform.

In my Selfie Check-In a month ago, I realized I was not on track with the goals for myself. I also realized I was not being realistic with my goals. I included objectives for my physical that was solely what I thought I should be after.

In this step, be realistic and take it one change at a time. Give yourself grace and as long as you are moving forward, you are doing good.

My current goals:
Move my body at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. Eat smaller portions. I want to feel great and this will come from healthier food options and exercise. I’m not after the abs, only the natural physical shape God intended me to have. This is a journey and I’m giving myself grace through it. I’m 4 weeks in and loving the adjustments I’ve made.

Financial Check-In

Ok. So, I am a Financial Coach and I will almost always bring this up. How is your money doing? With so much going on in the world with this pandemic, elections, unemployment, job changes, and even many new businesses being created… we must check into our finances to see how we are doing.

Here are some questions for you:

  • Do you have a budget?
  • Do you use a Budget App? (If not, Give EveryDollar a try. Easiest Budget App out there!)
  • Do you have an Emergency Fund in case you lose my job?
  • Will your job be here in 6 months? (You can look around and see indicators of this. Remember supply and demand.)
  • How much are your expenses?
  • How much can you cut back on those expenses?
  • Is there a business idea you have been thinking of getting started?
  • Do you need to make more money? If so, look for a second job, side hustle you can get into or business you can create.
  • Is now a good time to pay down debt? It could be if you have savings and still have a job. Take advantage of this time that most debt has been deferred.
  • Where am I now and where do I want to be? How do I get there?

These are all good questions to ask yourself to see if adjustments are needed to get you on track to where you are financially trying to be.

For me and my husband: We are predicting a housing market crash. We are currently setting our finances up to be able to take advantage of the crash in many ways when that time comes. We budget every month, right on track with retirement, and have a healthy monthly savings rate. We are flourishing in this category because I practice what I teach.

Be encouraged! If you happen to not be on track, you can reach your financial goals with just a little extra work. We can sometimes be stronger in one area than another.

Emotional Check-In

To say the current events have taken a toll on the world emotionally is an understatement. For me, I have made more therapy appointments than ever before. I FaceTime my friends a lot to talk about things and to check on them emotionally.

I can tell when it’s time for an emotional check-in when:

  • I start getting upset about little things
  • I start stress eating
  • I start complaining
  • I am crying way too much

Oh, it happens and at the beginning of this pandemic, I was losing it. I was in the house with two kids all day with nowhere to go. We all were waking up and doing the same thing every day. It was a lot for me and the kids.

I then had to ask myself how I could adapt to this and make each day different and fulfilling. I had to extract some positivity out of the day because we are clearly going to be like this for a while.

Changes I had to make:

  • Put some exercise in my day (yoga, running, walking, skating, bike riding)
  • Make sure the kids and I had time for ourselves. I had to have a chat with my 5-year-old about personal time. She gets her time and I have mine to do whatever we wanted to do. Very healthy and necessary.
  • Find new scenery at least 1 time a week. (Safe scenery of course)
  • Do at least 1 thing out of order
  • Rearrange my space so that it feels new and gives me new energy.
  • Write in my journal all my feelings I needed to get out and ended in a positive note

Although we will feel many emotions, we have to acknowledge and seek the emotion we want to stick around more often. I choose Happiness!

So, that’s what I aim for and deal with the other emotions as they come. Sometimes we just have to deal with those sad times. You will be ok. Just, check-in with yourself.

Please know that we will never be perfect. However, we will be happier and more aware of what adjustments need to made by checking in with ourselves from time to time.

How often do you check-in just to see how you’re really doing?

Be sure to like, comment share and join the Happi Girl Tribe!

With Love,

Happi Girl

(2) Comments

  1. ashmoney83 says:

    I checkin at least once a wk!!!

    1. This was very informative. The beginning of this year I started a planner. It’s hard staying consistent but it is definitely worth it.

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