
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love is found in our deepest laughs, our tightest hugs and the heart filled experiences we give to others.
We then experience a feeling that we will forever know because our existence craves it.

The friend that has been there for you through your toughest moments –
That family member that accepts you for all that you are –
The gaze and smile from an infant –

The love and care you show yourself whether you have a significant other
or not.. is LOVE.
(repeat this to yourself one more time)

The best love is the joy felt inside from the simplest gestures.
Be true to you. Love yourself and Love others.
What you give out WILL come back to you!

“Roses are red. Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet. And so are you.”
Let’s take this literal because you are worthy, You are enough and
You are loved!

Who do you want to show love on this Valentine’s Day?!?!
Text them. Call them. Show up. Express to them in words, a card, flowers, emoji’s or an intercom!
I bet it would make all the difference for you and them on this day!

Let’s not forget to show love to our people every day, not just today.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

xo Jasmine

(3) Comments

  1. Michael says:

    😘 Happy Valentines Day! Keep spreading the love and “Happi-ness”

    1. Jasmine says:

      Absolutely! That’s my entire reason for this blog. Peace, Love and Happiness to you! Happy Valentine’s Day!
      xo Jasmine

  2. Rachel (Mom) says:

    Niceeeeee! I Love You… Mom

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