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Keep your sanity while in Quarantine!

With everyone and their mother talking about the Coronavirus, I don’t want to talk about it. However, I do want to touch on how to stay sane as we all go through this unknown phase. I’m a professional on how to survive in the house for multiple days! From 4 months on bed rest and being a stay at home work/mom, I’ve got you covered.

First, open your windows and let some fresh air and sun in!

An even better way to get fresh air would be to actually get outside. If you have kids, take them outside too and encourage some fun activities. Me and my kiddo love doing hopscotch (she also gets to practice writing her numbers in a fun way), drawing with chalk, riding bikes or water games if the weather is permitting! Having the kids outside running around makes nap time easier too. Take in your surroundings. Allow time to slow down. When was the last time you had time to actually sit outside and do nothing? It’s amazing how mother nature works. She has somehow found a way to slow the whole world down. I won’t get too deep on that subject, but you know where I’m going with it. 🙂

Riding bikes bring smiles!

If you are home working like me, a schedule is very important. Set a schedule the night before with time frames and stick to it. I’ve always found that getting out of bed, getting dressed and going to another part of my living space encourages productivity; such as a workstation works best. While working from home, you still want to give your all to your responsibilities.

Don’t forget to get up and move your body. I love yoga and it can get a little hard with little ones. But, I do it anyway! However you choose to move, don’t downplay it, just do it! You will be glad you did. There are so many YouTube videos available for ALL levels, it would be easy to find something to enjoy and benefit from. Just a side note, they also have kids yoga and other workout programs on YouTube. Everything is on YouTube!

Purge! Now, is a great time to throw things away and clean your living quarters. You know that feeling you get once you’ve cleaned up and everything looks tidy and smells great? You most definitely want this feeling as often as possible right now. I love this book called “A Simplified Life: Tactical Tools for Intentional Living” by Emily Ley. Emily guides you through getting your life in order. Each chapter focuses on something different with great detail and small writing areas to write your quick thoughts and actions you want to take. Like, getting rid of those clothes, old toys, unused items and decluttering your kitchen. She even provides some tips on how to make food menus for the family easy. Simple, clean and organized will give you a sense of clarity and joy!

Feed your mind with uplifting images, music and reading. Of course, stay informed, but don’t scroll social media all day or watch CNN for constant coverage. There must be a balance or you will go crazy. The world will be ok, just do your part.

Other Ideas:

  • Go down memory lane by looking at family photos.
  • Play some music from your best music era and let your body move to it. Yes, this means DANCE!
  • Pull out your “Want to Read” book list and get started.
  • Netflix and Chill (There are so many great documentaries, family movies and predictable love movies)
  • Color! Coloring is so therapeutic.
  • Work on a hobby that makes you smile
  • Write in your journal

There are so many ways to stay sane during this time, share some with me in the comment section below.

Stay safe, have fun, bond with your loved ones and indulge in what gives you good energy.

Go ahead and check out my yoga session with kids from yesterday. Subscribe and Share!

Live Happi Girl

(1) Comment

  1. Torena Kennix says:

    Thank you for the tips Jaz!

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