All Life Living Intentional

Becoming Intentional with my Menstrual!

Hey Ladies! Last month, I got fed up with my period diaper and decided to try a menstrual cup. I did a lot of research a while back and was SURE that it wasn’t for me. Well, there’s a possibility I was wrong!

WATCH review video and
see extra details below:

Wearing pads irritates my skin and make me feel dirty the entire 5 days of my cycle. Then there’s so much data on how tampons can cause serious health issues if not used properly (based on flow and all). Knowing and experiencing these things every month, I still used them. That is no way to treat yourself. Ugh. So, here I am trying new things at 32 years old.
See the facts here for tampons: Tampon FACTS

So, on my journey to becoming more intentional with my living – I gave SAALT Menstrual Cup a try.

I had a pretty decent 1st experience with the Saalt Menstrual Cup!
I feel good knowing this period cup could potentially save the world from waste and my monthly mental state by attempting to make the switch.

Anytime I get ready to make a major change, I always make a
“Pros” & “Cons” list.
Check it out below:


  • Lower costs
  • Less waste!
  • Vaginal pH and beneficial bacteria stay in place
  • Intercourse is possible with the cup in place (I guess. I put this in here for yall)
  • Easy to use once familiar with it
  • Reusable cup that costs $30 to $40 & lasts up to 10 years
  • You can leave it in for 12 hours. Tampons need to be changed every 4 to 8 hours, depending on your flow. …
  • Holds roughly 1 ounce of liquid, about twice the amount of a super-absorbent tampon or pad.


  • It COULD be tough to find the right fit (I got the right size based on SAALT’s recommendation)
  • Removal can get messy
  • If you’re in public, keep in mind you’ll need to wash out the cup in the restroom sink
  • It could interfere with an IUD.

I go through the unboxing of the cup through the very end of my cycle and how I feel about the Saalt cup. Tips on how to insert the menstrual cup and remove it.. I searched for women who looked like me and their experience. And since I didn’t see many… I took a leap, bought it and decided to do a review on it myself (maybe it will help someone).

WATCH Review video:

Have you ever considered Menstrual cups?
Do you use them?
After reading the “pros” & “cons” list, would you say

YAY or NAY to the menstrual cup?
DROP a comment below.

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I’m a little corny, but that’s ok!

Live Happi Girl

(26) Comments

  1. Genna Brown says:

    I’m dying because just last week, Brandon and I were in CVS and he was like “WTF is a Diva Cup?” He about turned green in the aisle. I highly, highly appreciate your review and your demonstration was everything!!! But I think for the time being I’ll stay a tampon woman.
    Thanks for your review!!!!

    1. Genna, I surely wish I could have seen his face. Lol. You’re welcome!

  2. Cristina Petrini says:

    Just in these days I’m going through my usual week of menstruation and I’m going crazy so this blog post really falls down!

    1. Aww. I bet. I’d definitely watch more videos and do more personal research if you’re interested in giving it a try. It took me a while before I actually decided to try it out.

  3. Julianne says:

    I loved my diva cup! It totally changed my period for me. So much more environmentally conscious too. I recommend them to everyone!

    1. I can’t wait to get as comfortable with the cup as you are. I truly want to be a seasoned user.

  4. Wow 😳 now that’s a change, great and cost saving idea too. You gave me something to look into.

    1. Come back and let me know how it goes! I may do a follow up video or post after my second month using it.

  5. I am definitely going to try this, pads also make me feel so gross and I absolutely hate tampons. I appreciate the pros and cons list too. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    1. Absolutely Maria! I’m glad you want to give it a try!!! Come back and let me know how it goes! You’ve got this!

      1. Definitely 😄

    2. ireayotomiwa says:

      I have never considered using a cup. I have heard and read about it but never actually seen someone that use it around here. But I do always wonder how comfortable it would be.

      1. Jasmine says:

        Well, this was my 1st month using the cup and I could not feel it at all. I just subconsciously knew it was there.

  6. I’ve only tried the disposable cups, and they don’t always seal correctly. Do the SAALT cups come in different sizes or is it one size fits all?

    1. Jasmine says:

      They have small and regular. They recommend a regular for women who have given birth.

      1. I’ve always been intrigued by cups but where i’m from, they are really rare to find (conservative contry) and i’m not informed enough on them to use.

        1. Jasmine says:

          Ahhh. Gotcha. If you’re interested in trying though, maybe you can order from Amazon. Where are you from?

          1. Morocco 🙂

          2. Jasmine says:

            Ok. Cool.

  7. I might’ve been around 32 myself when I decided to give it a shot. I haven’t gone back since! The first few months were a little rough on the trial and error, and some nights I am pretty heavy on the flow. So, I also purchased washable pantyliners and have never ran out. I love it!

    1. Jasmine says:

      Washable pantyliners?!?! Wow! Thanks for letting me know sis. I will be looking into those before my next cycle. I really want this cup to work. I really loved how I didn’t feel it and barely noticed I was on my period. 🙌🏾

      1. Got mine on amazon… It is the best especially when you’re on holiday. You pack your menstruated cup and a little pouch of hand and machine washable pantiliners and you’re covered no matter what. 🙂

        1. Jasmine says:

          Thanks so much for that tip.

  8. great post! I’ve been wanting to try the cup for some time now because it reduces waste. But I can’t get passed how messy it’s going to be! Lol. I might try now though we’ll see. Thank you for the insight!

    1. Jasmine says:

      I am just seeing this comment because it went to my spam. But, it can be a little messy in the beginning… but you get better. It’s definitely new and must be done with intent. Let me know if you ever got to trying it out.

  9. I have never worn tampons or tried the diva cup! I do want to try the diva cup especially when I’m traveling 🧳 abroad! Often times I may not be able to get to a proper toilet 🚽 so the longer I can keep it in until I get back to lodging is great. Good to know you can keep it in and still have sex.

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