Hey Girlfriend! My name is Jasmine.
I am a wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend, business owner, mentor, survivor of so much and the founder of Live Happi Girl Inc.!
Let’s dive into more of who I am and what motivated me to start this platform in the first place!

First and foremost, I am a Floridian. I am originally from the sunshine state of Florida! Growing up near the beach was amazing and I loved going there very often. The beach was a therapeutic outlet for me.
And now, I reside in the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia.
I am the oldest of three girls and I often times act as their second mom. Lol
My mom was a single mother that did all she could to give her girls a decent life. I take my hat off to that woman. Life is hard enough, let alone adding 3 kids to the mix. Although we fell short of decent at times, we survived. As the oldest, a lot was required of me. No Biggie, it made me strong!

At a very young age, I experienced and witnessed things no kid should ever have to live through. It caused me to go into deep depression, I developed anxiety and was filled with stress. It wasn’t until I somehow ended up working at a mental health facility, at 18 years old, and introduced to therapy. I was always around many therapists and mental health physicians. I became close to one therapist that would listen to me vent at lunch or anytime she didn’t have a paying client. I have been a believer in therapy ever since.
(If you’ve been on the fence about whether to see a therapist or not, Do it!
There is a list of useful links at the end if needed)
Trauma and Setbacks
As a young girl, I came face to face with domestic violence, sexual assault, homelessness and many other traumatic experiences. It affected me in many areas of life. Then one day I ran away to Georgia hoping and willing to work toward a better life. It honestly got worse way before it got better. At the age of 19 ¾, I had no idea what a “better life” was. I made many mistakes but pushed hard to make more money to find out what a better life was.
SN: Money make things a little easier if used properly,
but it definitely doesn’t give you a better life.
“Closer” by Goapele
A song I listened to almost every day during my rough patches.
I eventually started making good money! I was living a happy life while finishing my tax certification and working on my Accounting degree at Georgia State University. Then, I was laid off from a company that decided to merge with another big company and my job went away. I did however have a savings, a small severance package and many temp agency interviews in place.
I received help from family members and close friends during this time as I eventually fell in between jobs and a place to stay; I thank them every chance I get still to this day. In my years of bouncing from 1 temp job to another, I volunteered at a school with underserved kids in my spare time and I loved it! They were a great example of what happiness was. I still volunteer with different youth programs today.

Life Changes!
In 2012, I met my now husband, Sid. I knew I wanted him to be my husband one day but didn’t know how because I was so broken from past hurt. Like I said before, no one is perfect. We both helped each other grow in our respective areas; we just wanted each other to be their best even if we didn’t end up together forever.
Spoiler alert: We still do this as a married couple today.
Growth is constant.
Sid is the one who reintroduced me to books; I had been discouraged to read for such a long time, I just forgot about books. (more on this below)

You see what I mean about “growth”. lol
Such a better picture!
Story Time:
Back in High School, I struggled so badly with comprehending what I was reading. I failed the Florida Standardized reading test so many times that it cost me my High School Diploma. Yep. I walked across the stage with my class to only receive a Certificate of Completion. One of the worst days of my life.
For the next year after graduation, I studied very hard. I took the test again and with flying colors, I passed. I had finally received my High School Diploma.
This event in itself discouraged me from reading anything that didn’t deal with numbers.
I was a superstar in Math!
A completely new world opened up to me once I started reading books again. I was missing out on so much! I can’t thank Sid enough for that. Some years later, I quit my good paying job to grow my accounting business full time which I started 4 years prior. We started a family and bought a house in the country. We continued to grow as individuals and better together. I started my intentional living journey, pursuing true happiness and healing. Then fast forward to February 25th 2020, Sid and I got married.
I love that man!
(read about our wedding day HERE)

My Intentions
Having two amazing daughters that look up to me, I want to break the cycle for me and for them by being the best example I can be. I’m not 100% healed, I’m not always happi, but I know what it takes to live intentionally and be happi. When I wake up with the intent to do that everyday, those are the steps to overcoming one day at a time.
I created this platform to empower a community of other women to live intentionally and truly be happi in life despite what they’ve been through or going through. Healing and choosing happiness is a choice.
Let’s do the work, together!
We all have different stories with a desire to write new and amazing chapters. We all deserve a deeper level of happiness other than being surface happy. Our past sometimes show up in our present and we must face it head on.
Everyone deserves to Live Happi, Girl.
Join the Happi Girl Club!
We are NOT what we have been through, Do you agree?!?

Important Contact Information
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Crisis Text Line
Chat with someone via text message when you need someone to talk to.
Text “HOME” to 741741
Mental Health Hotline
Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, etc. 1-800-273-8255
Find a Therapist (options below):
Open Path Collective
Therapy for Black Girls
Talk Space (therapy site)
Psychology Today (therapy site)
Always with love,
Live Happi Girl
You are a rock star!! I’m so honored to know you and call you my friend. I can’t wait to build our friendship. 😘
Thank you Genna! You know the feeling is mutual! I can’t wait as well. Dance Party!!!