I promise you, there was a lot of thought behind my spelling decision of “happy” in Live Happi Girl. A couple years ago I went into an intentional phase of understanding happiness, understanding it’s meaning and how to achieve it way more often than I was. I read books and explored many definitions, watched videos, studied my actions and what I experienced when I was happy or completely filled with happiness. This is what I found out: we can be happy about something but not truly Happi! Well, let’s play a game of “Have you ever?”!

Have you ever been happy to finally meet up with your homegirl for drinks, but your spirit was just not right. You wanted to smile, but couldn’t quite get your real smile to show?!

Have you ever been so happy to finally get promoted with more pay, better benefits and everyone praising you for it? But, in private you wished for the time and courage to go after a career that you were actually passionate about.

Have you ever been asked “What’s wrong?” and replied “Nothing” meanwhile you and the person both know that’s a lie. Although it may not have been something specific at that time, it truly was something blocking the state of happiness you desired.

So many of us walk around thinking we are happy, but in reality we are just surface happy. We are happy to have a job, happy to have a man and happy to hang out with friends. But, I desire us all to be more than just surface happy. I want us to truly be internally Happi.

Read about what happiness is and how to achieve it HERE!

Happiness is defined ever so simply as “the state of being”. Happiness is internally feeling butterflies. Waking up in the morning and smiling from within that you are going to a job you love. Being able to tell someone what’s truly wrong and being at peace with that. Life is not perfect, but we make it close to perfect when we hold positive perspectives.

HAPPIness is mental (mentality). HAPPIness is coming to terms with what is and handling things appropriately without allowing it to deter you. HAPPIness is internal, a conscious decision to feel and be at peace.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, I used Happi from the word happiness! Not only do I want us to be happy, I want us to feel happi… move happi and digest happi.

I chose Live Happi Girl because I want us all to choose Happiness through the everyday things we choose to do. Life is short, Live. Happi. Girl.

We may not always live there everyday because nothing in life is constant (except change), but we can make way more conscious decisions to live there. Happi!

Thank you for taking this journey to Happi with your Happi Girl Club! 💛

I look forward to bringing you more writings on how to Live Happi Girl!
We’re in this together sis.

How are you choosing HAPPIness?

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Read about what happiness is and how to achieve it HERE!

Live Happi Girl

(17) Comments

  1. Sid J. says:

    This is probably my favorite one of them all. This really hit home and made me want to be more conscious about my own state of “happiness.”

    1. Jasmine says:

      That’s great! Because once we become more conscious of our own happiness, it’s easy to find peace and joy in all things. You’ve got this Sid!

      1. Kel Cole says:

        I love it! The whole time I was trying to figure out why you used an I and I thought it had something to do with starting with oneself first. And it actually does. I’m so glad you’re choosing happiness 😊

        1. Jasmine says:

          Thank you Kel! I have really been on a deep journey with happiness!

  2. Jocilyn says:

    I love this post Jas!

    1. Jasmine says:

      I’m glad!

  3. I would like to consider that true happiness is a level of conscious appreciation and truly loving in the moment; verses “living” in the moment. Any who, love it. Too being “Happi” !!

    1. Jasmine says:

      I love this! Yes! Loving in the moment! Thanks Angel for saying that. So true.

  4. Janine says:

    Love this! Definitely will be focusing more on my happiness. I have realized that I do a lot of things that make me temporarily happy, but I know that I want and deserve to be a happi girl 🙂

    1. Jasmine says:

      Yes you do deserve to be a Happi girl! 💛 Thanks for reading!

  5. ashmoney83 says:

    YESSS HAPPI!! I am so here for this !

  6. ashmoney83 says:

    I am for being HAPPI! Thank you for this message!

    1. Jasmine says:

      Thank you for reading! I hope you carry it with you 💛

  7. Wow, I could relate to being in many situations where I’m supposed to be happy or want to be happy, but I just couldn’t. I was numb and didn’t realize it but now I am “happi” I feel my emotions, sadness, anger, love, etc.

    1. Jasmine says:

      Thank you for sharing! 💛 Glad you’re now able to recognize it. Feel your feels to intentional be able to achieve your happiness.

  8. I definitely have been feeling a surface happiness the last couple of months but I’m excited to find out the things that make me internally happi! A great post 💛

    1. Jasmine says:

      Aysia, it’s such a beautiful feeling once we finally understand it.

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