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Managing emotions during Quarantine!

I woke up one morning imagining my daughters at school with masks over their face. That took me over the edge as I felt anxiety and sadness coming over me. My thoughts went from one bad alternative to the next, to the point where I just wanted to crawl back in bed. These were raw emotions. I could tell they were not going to go away so easily. So, I took a deep breath and talked myself through it.

Talk to myself:

For one, Malia will not start school until August. Here you are worrying about something that is several months away. You have explained to Malia why we must wear masks and she’s actually into the mask thing. I’m not surprised. Ok, she is not tripping about it but you are?! Then, just think of all the other illnesses like the flu that came way before you were even thought of. We as a people adjust to our surroundings and then it blows away. This coronavirus is serious, but you will be ok. The world will be ok. We will find our new normal and your babies will be alright. You’re a great mother and you will protect them as needed when that time comes. Whew! Ok. I’m ok. Let’s do some yoga!

  • It’s important to talk to yourself.
  • It’s important to understand your feelings.
  • It’s important to understand why these emotions are happening.
  • It’s important to be present in your emotions, good or bad to better control it.
  • Acknowledge something positive.
  • You decide whether to stay there for more clarity or take the steps to move from that emotion.
  • It can be difficult to dismiss or come out of a rut if your emotions aren’t acknowledged.

This is indeed an emotional time for us all and we are feeling it in different ways; emotionally, physically and financially which are all valid feelings to have. Nothing is wrong with you, you’re human! Life will never be the same again. We must accept that. During this time of chaos and uncertainty, we are filled with all kind of emotions with happiness seeming to be the hardest to achieve these days. You’re not alone!

Once you have acknowledged your emotions and you are ready to rebalance yourself, see the tips below.

Here are 10 Tips to balance your emotions during Quarantine:

Sunshine gives me energy

Emotional balance is the ability of the mind and body to maintain equilibrium and flexibility in the face of challenge and change. (a)

  1. Take a morning walk before 9am! It’s something about how the early morning sun hits your body, the quietness amongst the chirping birds and the clean morning breeze that uplifts your spirits!
  2. Make a schedule the night before. Don’t overdo it. Make it simple. I get excited when I wake up knowing something fun is planned! Unlike the days I wake up without a plan and it feels JUST like the day before. So, mix it up and do something different each day.
  3. Do yoga! Don’t know which poses to do?!? I’ve got you covered! You could either look up videos on YouTube or buy a $3 yoga dice from Five Below and GET INTO IT. Just 5 minutes will change your life! Note: If running or an intense workout is more for you, go with that. Get active! You’ve got this!
  4. Take a personal day. Take a mental health day and lounge. During this time, take a social media break as well; there’s no need to see what everyone else is doing. This is YOUR time to channel your inner feelings and take care of yourself. Light some candles and take a bath. Put your baggy pants on and chill. Do that thing for yourself you have been putting off!
  5. Get some sleep. Take a nap! It has been proven by the big time Docs that our mind and bodies need rest to recharge. You are no good to anyone if you are no good to yourself. Facts.
  6. Meditate. You can do this with or without music. YouTube or all streaming services have searchable playlists. Sit quietly with your thoughts in the most comfortable position for YOU. Along this meditation journey, I’ve had to learn that if I fall asleep during this time, it just means that I was tired to begin with. Accept that nap girlfriend!
  7. Take a drive. Yes, we are on lockdown. But your car is an extension of your home! So, drive to your favorite spot and sit outside. Bring some food and eat it in the car! This is actually my favorite thing to do. Right now, I am actually feeling a car ride to the lake. I can definitely picture myself driving there with all the windows down.
  8. Write. Journaling will get your through. Write about your good days and bad. Write in detail. Be honest with the paper, I promise there will be not judgement. You feel the weight lift off of you. Release it all girlfriend!
  9. Color! If you’ve never tried this, give it a try. There is something to coloring in the lines when your life is all out of line. I enjoy coloring with color pencils. I’m no stranger to a good pack of dollar store crayons either.
    (I have 2 printable coloring pages attached. Pick your favorite and it’s yours!) Download your Butterfly HERE. Download Just Breathe HERE.
  10. Pray! “Lord God, I just THANK YOU for waking me up this day. I woke up in a terrible headspace and I ask you to remove it. Help me turn my negative thoughts into positive ones. I know you are here with me and that you will guide me through these feelings.” I normally say something along those lines. Pray YOUR prayer.

If Affirmations and positive quotes are more your thing, do that! Feed yourself positivity and soon you will get through!

Car ride with the kids using the map Malia made.

These are new times we are living in where our life is being shaken by the media daily. Our old normal has been taken away and we have to find a new way. Take it one day at a time. When you find yourself in a negative space that you can’t easily shake, be present in your emotions. Do not try to force it out or “fake it til you make it”. Acknowledge your feelings by talking it out, writing it out, weighing the reality with what actually is and finding a middle ground.

We do not know what the future holds, but we can choose to work through our emotions and allow ourselves grace TODAY!

Take it one day at a time! We’re in this together!
Let me know how you’re doing and print out the coloring page below and share it with me when you’re done!

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Live Happi Girl


(6) Comments

  1. Torena Kennix says:

    Great blog Jasmine. This was very timely. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Jasmine says:

      Thank you Torena! I truly hope you’re able to incorporate something to keep you in good spirits during this time.

  2. Jocilyn says:

    ❤️❤️I swear my emotions jump from 😫☺️🥴🤨😖😡😴😂… they are all over the place during this time!! Great read Jaz!

    1. You’re not alone! Whew, what a challenging time we are in. We will make it through. Thanks for reading!

  3. Wow I JUST started coloring to cut screen time during quarantine! Definitely taking you up on the driving thing though

    1. Screen time can be so overwhelming and we don’t even know it. Coloring is definitely a good way to decrease that time. Thanks for the comment!

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