All Happiness

What is Happiness and HOW to achieve it!

I started my intentional journey to happiness a couple years ago but didn’t really know what I was after. Like, really. I viewed it as smiling more, ignoring things that hurt me and just doing happy things (whatever that was). With a lot of reading, videos, therapy plus trial and error… I now know what it is and how to achieve true happiness.
Please join this journey with me:

I was wearing my expectations on my shirt for anyone that approached me! Period!

What is Happiness?

Happiness is a powerful emotion that plays a very important role in how we operate within our lives. It’s so powerful that it can be felt by others through our energy.
It’s the state of being. I deem it necessary to also mention that happiness is not a constant feeling. Life happens, right?! In order to truly understand happiness and choose it, our other emotions must be felt and acknowledged as well. 
True happiness is the result of life fulfillment through genuine satisfaction for life itself and all the little things.

How can I achieve happiness?

We must acknowledge and truly believe that happiness is possible for us before we can actually achieve it. Our mentality plays a huge part in how we achieve that happy state. If you wake up “on the wrong side of the bed”, don’t accept that as your excuse to stay in that negative space. This is your chance to say “Nope! Not Today! I’m going to have a great day!” You know that feeling of satisfaction you experience after helping someone in need?! Happiness is extracted from that moment knowing you served a purpose greater than yourself. We experience this beautiful satisfaction when we step outside ourselves and try new things, explore and evolve.

Happiness is a mental choice; you have to want it and intentionally make it happen. You must be authentic and honest with yourself. Listen to your instincts and what your energy is wanting. You want to be happy, fulfilled and at peace. Make achieving happiness an everyday habit.
Literally put this on your “To-Do List”.
I have listed ways you can choose happiness below.  

I love the beach and waterfalls. They are so beautiful, peaceful and calming!

How can I achieve happiness when I get
sad, mad, depressed or filled with anxiety?

There is a big misconception that we seek only happiness and just forget about the other emotions as if they don’t exist. Well, they do exist and we WILL feel them whether we want to or not. The way to get through such emotions such as sadness, depression or anxiety is to FACE IT. You must find the root of the problem. Some causes are easier than others to figure out and solve; while others may take some digging or help of therapy.

Everyone has a different road, but we all must face it in order to get to the other side of it. Our pain must be acknowledged, broken down and dealt with; not pushed to the side. Things we compress then set aside WILL come back around and may even affect us worse than it did the time before. I’ve had to learn that I must diminish it so that when it does come back, I’m armed with something greater than its effects. Not all pain or situations that alter our emotions disappear completely.
We just have to be equipped to handle it better than the time before.
It will get better. We will get better.

Now, this is all a process and will not happen over night. Just get started TODAY! One trauma at a time. One heartbreak at a time. One flashback at a time. One let down at a time. One childhood memory at a time.
One PAIN at a time.
I must be honest, it may hurt, but not for long.

Stay Strong and know that I am sincerely rooting for YOU!

10 Ways to choose Happiness:

  1. Choose the right squad!
    The people around you should be encouraging, loving and supportive. If they are not, that is not the type of energy you need in your realm. Surround yourself with people that has good energy, a positive outlook on life, striving for their best and want to see the same for you.
  2. Gratitude
    This is stated often, but it is true and worth mentioning. We must remain grateful for what we have and not dwell on what we don’t have. Have appreciation for life. Not only your life but others as well. Being thankful for the simple things that we sometimes take for granted. SN: I know when this virus lets up and we are able to go outside again, my gratitude for outside will be so great I won’t be able to contain it.
  3. Take care of yourself
    Healthy food, exercise, water, hygiene. All of it is necessary. We must listen to our bodies and give it what it needs to feel good on the inside and the outside. It’s our house, take good care of it because you only get one! For me, after taking a shower and washing my hair… I feel like a million bucks! hmm. I wonder how a million bucks feel? I have no idea, let’s move on.
  4. Be honest
    If someone asks you “How are you today?”, tell them. Ask them if they have time today?! I have been guilty of this by saying “Im great” when really… I am a hot mess. You don’t need to tell all the tea if you don’t want to, just admit that you aren’t great, but you will get there. (Speak it into existence Girlfriend) Additionally, be honest with yourself in private as well. You can’t heal ignoring the facts.
  5. Try something new
    Make a list of things you have taken an interest in and choose one thing to do. Go for it and see how it will change the way you view life. When we do something out of the regular routine, we feel an adrenaline rush; we even crush fears and doubts which in turn gives us hope and fulfillment. Go try something new! I am currently teaching myself a song on guitar. It’s rejuvenating.
  6. Meditate
    Meditation quiets the mind. With the right music and space, your mindset can shift in one sitting. Clearing your mind is good for the soul.
  7. Speak up
    If something is bothering you, say so. If you hold your feelings or concerns to yourself, that can truly make things worse. Negative imagery, assumptions and hate live in a space where the truth isn’t present. Speaking your truth on paper or to a person will make you feel so much better about the situation and lifts that uneasy feeling off of you.
  8. Get a therapist
    I am a firm believer in therapy! Therapists can help you break down your emotions, feelings, trauma, marriage or even life’s disappointments. They help you recognize the issue and advise ways to cope and release. This is the space to completely let go and do the work to gain your peace and happiness. Worth noting: Don’t trust a therapist that doesn’t have a therapist. They hear, see and get a lot of people through some dark things. It is a lot and I admire all therapists for what they do for us. But, they need an outlet as well.
  9. Over Indulge in all things positive
    This is SUPER important! We become what we surround ourselves with. Engage in everything positive! A great way to start this is to grab a notebook. Who loves notebooks like me?! Ok, just me. Cool.

    In your notebook, hand write down at least 10 Affirmations.Keep this notebook handy and read your affirmations every day. Once acquainted with them, put your favorite ones on a note card and place a couple near your bathroom sink, on your work desk or in your wallet or purse. Place them somewhere easy to access and places you go often.

At the beginning of my journey, I watched so many movies and videos on happiness that I could write a book about them. I made it my duty to only watch movies that brought me joy. I read books with happy endings or advised me on how to find my own happiness.
Currently: I’m all for Brene Brown and her books.
She has a Netflix special right now called “The Call to Courage”.
Go check it out!

You can read more about what happiness is HERE!

Stepping out of comfort zone and crashing a party. This was so unlike me. It was my 3oth birthday and I went to the party and acted like it was my party. So fun and it filled me with adrenaline for sure. SN: We did wish the birthday girl a Happy Birthday! It was also her 30th.
I took up woodworking and built a bench: This is me trying something new. I still build things and it’s so therapeutic.

YOU can achieve Happiness!
Join the Journey and let’s be there for each other!

Leave a comment below of how you choose happiness or plan to choose happiness?!?

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Sending you positive vibes,

Live Happi Girl

(18) Comments

  1. Rachel Johnson says:

    This is how I live my life and people have asked how I can still smile and some of these steps I’ve taken. Once I went iguanas a club on my Birthday expecting to hiphop music instead I got Latin, I stayed and the spanish I was able to Express it was my Birthday and for the night I had the best of friends celebrating with me, this was one of my best birthdays! As a child I wasn’t allowed to show emotions and so it took me many years to recognize my sadness and I begin to let out my emotions my way and I hated when others would not show their real emotions and I called this being fake. Subconsciously I have been taking these steps without knowing. I am seen as different and I love being different from a world differences with mist people that only want to be like Mike so to speak. I live this Jasmine and I see your growth, you are phenomenal! Mommy loves you!

    1. Jasmine says:

      Sounds like that birthday party was amazing!! I totally agree. Once we realize our feelings are not what we want… we naturally search for ways to reach something better than the current. We may not know exactly what we’re searching for at the time. But, it’s a natural feeling in which we call happiness or joy. Well, keep being you. That’s all you can do. Thanks mom. You are phenomenal as well. I get it from you. Love you

    2. This is a great list. I’ve been working on taking care of myself more. Writing in my journal, meditating and trying new things.

      1. Jasmine says:

        Luna, those are all amazing things that surely will keep you on the right path. <3

  2. this is probably one of my fav posts!! i learned that self care is one of the best ways that i’m able to make myself happy. just taking a little time to invest in myself

    1. Jasmine says:

      You have to because no one will take care of you like you. It’s a great feeling!

  3. Great post! It definitely is a mental choice. And if you choose happiness I believe that you should everything within your powers to stay happy.

    1. Jasmine says:


      1. Living a happy life for me has been placed at the top of my priority list. Thanks for sharing these tips Sis. As I’m learning who I am and how to love me, the journey of true happiness is taking place also.

  4. Georgina Dukes says:

    As someone who suffers from anxiety, this post really spoke to me. The tactics like speaking up and surrounding yourself with positivity are things that I plan to start now!

    1. Jasmine says:

      I like that Georgina! Starting now! I used to have anxiety so bad that I was hospitalized for it. I would shake uncontrollably and it was bad. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I addressed it. I still get anxiety, but I have better control over it. Speaking up has definitely been one of the top ways I’ve gotten better. You got this mama! 🤗

  5. Great article! I’ve definitely upped my daily gratitude and choosing the right crew 🙂

    1. Jasmine says:

      Yes! The crew has to be on board! Thanks Kennedy for checking out this post.

  6. Jerrika Janae says:

    This was a great post! Happiness is definitely a decision. It’s a choice! And we have to choose it each and everyday.

    1. Jasmine says:

      Everyday sis. Thanks Jerrika! 💛

  7. […] no number of Amazon boxes that will give you the fulfillment in life like the internal happiness, you chose for […]

  8. […] I decided that enough was enough and my kindness journey started. I desired to have more internal happiness, kinder thoughts, and be able to freely give compassion to […]

  9. […] back on Live Happi Girl “What is Happiness and HOW to achieve it” blog, I learned that, “True happiness is the result of life fulfillment through authentic and […]

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